All About Selenium

 Selenium is a trace mineral, meaning the body only needs small amounts of the mineral. It is also essential; meaning it must be acquired through food sources or supplementation. While often overlooked, it plays an important role in maintaining optimal health.

Why is Selenium Important?

 This trace mineral is an important part of many enzymes and proteins that are commonly referred to as selenoproteins. These proteins are essential to the production and metabolism of thyroid hormones and also used in the body to synthesise DNA. Selenium is also a major antioxidant, protecting the body from damage from free radicals and possibly slowing the ageing process, as well as preventing the formation of free radicals. It supports the immune system by aiding in the formation of antibodies and therefore preventing infections. Selenium works closely with vitamin E; supporting the cardiovascular system by keeping both blood pressure and cholesterol balanced. Selenium also plays a large role in promoting healthy growth and fertility. 

Food sources of selenium

  • Brazil nuts
  • Fin fish and shellfish
  • Turkey
  • Beef
  • Chicken
  • Fortified cereals
  • Whole-wheat bread
  • Beans & lentils

 Selenium in the foods we eat is essentially coming from the soil so the levels depend on how selenium rich the soil is that the plant is growing in. Foods with the highest levels of this trace mineral are organ meats, seafood, and brazil nuts. 

What does deficiency look like?

  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Headaches
  • Altered mental state, confusion
  • Lethargy
  • Seizures
  • Coma

 Deficiency is quite rare as the trace mineral is found in North American soil. The likelihood of deficiency of selenium is more common in individuals living with HIV, people undergoing dialysis due to kidney failure and those with major damage to their digestive systems, or individuals who live in an area of the world where selenium is not present in the soil.

Written by: Registered Holistic Nutritionists, Hayley Dickenson and Charlene Ebdon


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