What is Candida Albicans?

Thrush on tongue

 Candida albicans is a yeast that lives all over our body, naturally, and usually does not cause a reason for concern. However, if that yeast grows more predominantly than usual in your mouth or lower digestive track, you may experience “thrush” (White coating on the tongue, inflammation, pain), digestive bloating, gas, or lowered immunity just to name a few. The most common candida overgrowth is seen in our guts… although it can be hard to tell if you are struggling with an overgrowth of candida albicans (Candidiasis), or some other health condition.

How Does Candida Affect the Body?

 Candida is greedy and it’s goal is to live; so to do that it steals nutrients from our body. It competes with your other cells for amino acids, carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, and minerals. It even has the ability to survive when it’s starving by breaking down its own glucose stores to survive long periods of time. Candida also creates toxic byproducts such as ethanol, which converts into acetaldehyde. This gaseous compound causes your cells to have a hard time creating ATP (energy), this makes it hard for our bodies to get over constant brain fog, low mood, and fatigue. 

Food intolerances can be triggered by a notable presence of candida in our intestines. We absorb our nutrients through this organ but sometimes more than just the nutrients can come through to our blood stream. This is referred to as “leaky gut” when the intestinal walls of our bowel stretch and make way for tiny holes. How is Candida causing this? This yeast is known for growing its mycelial “roots” and embedding in our intestine walls allowing proteins, bacteria, and other toxins into our bloodstream. This process leads to food intolerances because undigested food particles are seen as foreign to the body, and so the immune system labels them as threats. Later when the certain food that has crossed the barrier in your gut is being eaten, the body can begin seeing it as a threat, giving you adverse reactions and inflammation.

How do I know I have Candida?

Risk factors and health history that may contribute to candida overgrowth 

  • History of prolonged antibiotic use 
  • Birth control pill 
  • Steroid use (asthma inhaler or topical hydrocortisone)
  • Exposure to xenoestrogens (perfumes, insecticides, plastics, gasses, smoke etc.)
  • Poor diet; high in sugar, low in fiber, protein, & healthy fats (Standard american diet)
  • History of athlete’s foot, ringworm, or other fungal infections
  • History of persistent/recurring urinary tract infections, prostatitis, or vaginitis

Signs and Symptoms of Candida Overgrowth

  • Abdominal pain
  • Anxiety
  • Bad breath or strong body odour
  • Chronic sore throat
  • Constipation
  • Chronic cough
  • Depression
  • Diarrhea
  • Endometriosis or infertility
  • Eczema or psoriasis
  • Dry/burning eyes
  • Fatigue
  • Frequent colds or flu
  • Frequent indigestion
  • Headaches
  • Hives
  • Impotence
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Insomnia 
  • Itchiness
  • Irritability
  • Loss of balance or poor coordination
  • Menstrual irregularity or PMS
  • Mood swings
  • Mucous in stools
  • Muscle aches or weakness
  • Nasal/sinus congestion or post nasal drip
  • Poor memory or confusion
  • Recurrent ear infections
  • Shaky or irritable when hungry
  • Joint pain/inflammation
  • White coating on tongue

How to Overcome Candida Overgrowth

 Finding out you may have an issue with candida is the first step in making a change. We want you to feel like your best self but it does take some effort. To effectively address candida overgrowth we use a holistic approach to combat it at the root cause. 

Remove; all the foods that irritate your gut or contribute to your gut issues

Replace; these foods with nutrient dense foods and natural remedies to assist the process,

Repopulate; your gut with probiotics and prebiotics,

Repair; your damaged intestinal walls and heal with nutritional supplements,

Rebalance; your lifestyle with stress management tactics and new goals to optimize your health.

Supplements to Get Rid of Candida Overgrowth

There are several supplements that can help you speed the process up, as Candida overgrowth can be stubborn, and hard to overcome using diet alone. Here is a list of supplements that you can research that may help you get rid of candida overgrowth:

  • Caprylic Acid– Breakdown of cell membrane of Candida
  • Licorice Root- Anti-inflammatory, while healing to stomach lining via stimulating the production of mucins
  • Psyllium based Fiber Products- Soluble fiber to help bulk and transit time
  • Probiotics- Boost immune, while hindering Candida
  • Digestive Enzymes– Supports dietary changes, breakdown and absorption of nutrients
  • Calendula- Anti-fungal and Antimicrobial
  • Olive Leaf Extract- Anti-fungal properties
  • Activated Charcoal– Lowers toxins
  • Vitamin C- Boost immune, supports adrenals
  • Magnesium- 800+ enzyme reactions, plus bowel movement

Our nutritionists are here to help! Let’s work together to get you feeling the best you can. 

Written by: Charlene Ebdon, RHN


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This article is for educational purposes only. Everyone is different and may require a specific nutritional protocol. Please consult a practitioner, naturopath, doctor for personalized nutritional advice. 

The nutritional information on this site is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information does not create any patient-practitioner relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis or treatment

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